Surrender (Give It Up) - Silent Company (DEMO)
Silent Company's latest release, "Surrender (Give It Up)" is a poignant look at what we all face in looking at what awaits us on the "other side". With their signature love of groove front and center, Bee's ES-339 playing a leading role, a more duet-ish feel and delivery on the vocals, and an ending that definitely shakes things up, this song is SC's homage to their heritage of rock, blues, and the eternal.
Surrender (Give It Up)
i can't fall asleep
there's something wrong (calling) with me
i can't define (align) myself
with a truth to set me free
when i close my eyes
i feel it surrounding me
i can't hide myself
it's coming (calling) after me
it's calling me
from places (faces) i can't see
i can't hide myself
from the place that's set for me
is this time that i see
like a clock in front of me
i gotta remind (align) myself
of my (to a) place in eternity
i can't make belive
that all is in my mind
it's just a part of me
just change the way i see
surrender... 3x
i.. i.. can't give it up
i.. i.. give it up
i.. i.. can't give it up
i.. i.. give it up
i.. i.. can't give it up
i.. i.. give it up
Lyrics by Silent Company
Constantine (2005)
Company Credits
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