Incarnation - Demo Songs / /  01 May 2020 /  435 views

The course of one's life has many twists and turns. Learning balance, humility, honor, and a sense of purpose is difficult. Our parent's guide the way, but in the end, it is up to each one of us to see the path, and follow it. Silent Company's latest release "Stay Graceful" is a musical rendition of what every parent hopes their child will learn, and what every person must incorporate into their own lives. As parents themselves, this track hits close to home for SC's "Dynamic Duo". A more upbeat, driving rhythm is the son's foundation, with Bee's "drummer mentality" on full display in the groove. Bass, percussion, piano, and the ES-339 round out the arrangement. The lyrics and vocals are another duet from Bee and Edd, with the resolve of the theme being that as we each walk life's path, we need to remember to not loose our hope for the future, for what will come, and to stay graceful on the walk. Silent Company has dedicated this song to Bee's daughter Faith, their inspiration for the tune. Enjoy this latest track from Silent Company, and remember to stay grateful and graceful as you move through life.

Stay Graceful

say goodbye to yesterday
you've grown it all away
spread your wings now, love
and fly away

stand brave along the way
don't let the loneliness keep you down
take a walk through life
keep your chin up off the ground

stay grateful
stay graceful

don't cry for what could be
hold right now in your heart
take a look around now, love
we'll never be apart

stay true each and every day
they'll try and break you down
hold your head up proud
it'll all turn around

stay grateful
stay graceful

when you feel
life's let you down
raise your head
look around

daylight, sunrise
(don't lose hope)

daylight, sunrise (extended)

here it comes


here it comes
here it comes
here it comes
here it comes

don't lose hope
don't lose hope
(don't lose hope extended)
don't lose hope
(don't lose hope extended)
don't lose hope
(don't lose hope extended)

Copyright 2015 Silent Company

The Karate Kid (2010)
Company Credits


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