Thursday, February 06, 2025
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Thursday, February 06, 2025

Dragonfly Witness, 2014

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10 years 8 months ago - 1 year 8 months ago #69 by Dragonfly Drone Witness 2014
EXCLUSIVE: Dragonfly Drone Witness, MUFON & Isaac – Real Prometheus Connection?

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10 years 8 months ago #70 by yu

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10 years 8 months ago - 10 years 8 months ago #71 by yu
Think these crafts may be related to Vril?


Orzich transmission

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10 years 8 months ago - 9 years 3 months ago #72 by Silent

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10 years 8 months ago - 3 years 7 months ago #73 by Silent

pick a channel

keep in mind the general interference

I doubt that most of this is new, in fact may have roots in what is termed E.T. tech, that i believe is more like spiritual or behind the scene activity..I used to think there were real little people inside the T.V. - little did i know , that if that were so that would have been more interesting to try and make people to believe it were true. Yea real people but coming to view with allot of interesting technology..we may not totally understand the method but we still are the subject of the entire show. now after you watch some T.V. and soon come to realize your car is old and you NEEED a new toaster to sit by your laptop, then I'd be thinking your listening to something outside of yourself, the tech to influence ones thinking is as old as the snake hanging from a tree, same song and dance..temptation / manipulation / - Problem / Solution - spiraling all around 'NEED' and want..or desire.
WANT to believe? NEED to know? WANT to learn? does E.T. WANT an M&M, seems like theirs always a path to Alice lost in a wonderland that NEEDS to get home? Motivation it to the core..what motivates you ..peel back the layers to find out exactly why you are animated and what drives it the bills? food? status? your couch? your croch? your bed? your kids? family? your car? CHURCH? then its all about the Happy aint it? the balance of alliance to things that are intended to contribute to ones state of well being, ..yea nothing new being said i know..just tryen to show you that there's a reason why you have those m&ms in hand...signals are all around..thoughts come and go..from who knows where sometimes..its a soup of influence and manipulation - a radio works best usually to pick up one signal and play it at a time...if a person is like that radio..what station is playing?..does it matter? then why does it? wait hold your breath and dive deep the next question after you dive and come up might just be..who put that there?

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10 years 8 months ago - 8 years 5 months ago #74 by Silent
Not knocking the idea of E.T. tech being the subject - I just kn ow theirs allot not being said..and allot known, the few who have that knowledge are bent on figuring it out for defense purposes , It may very well be its a good choice seeing that their is something that could very well become a threat, the idea that humanity is part of some galactic war or earth being over-lorded by so and so..I mean looking back through history, from whats left one can see that their has been allot of changes, things are left around that leave some to question our lack of intelligence. 'since when did we know how to build that"? and who here can raise their hand and remind us what we knew..Compartmentalized information..secret schools and the initiated ..classified classes. As for the hints that are left to remind us..I think that just a call out, whos gonna ask and how much digging will they like to do..see, as long as its an active seek..then people will stand around pacified with anticipation..some with aggravation..but even so a weeding field of intellects that provoke and challenge each other into groups..they keep themselves in check., while the spoon dips into the "know" and plops another serving out to the ones who they deem fits to distribute it well....long time..all through out history ..the same soup kitchen for the ones who NEED to know..the control system ..yes..its always been a cattle ranch, sorry to have to say that..but we sure a shit could have been way better off as a spices if we were actually taught correctly, but seems that was not the motivation of the ones in charge..remembering the tower of babble story.

back to the subject .E.T. have always been a part of our exsistence, the reason we are now thinking or seeing more cause of the advent of tools that lend to more documented evidence ..the more cameras in the hands of the public the more chances to share events when they happen. I believe they were as they were and out and interacting as usual. who they are and what they are? My guess says they are like guards to a prison camp..some are maintenance workers or clean up crews..etc..the typical work force for overlords that work around to manage ..I dont think they are supose to be upfront in the public view..they seem to manage the population best in secret ..
ever wonder why their isn't any evidence left around? the kind that would destroy doubt on a grand scale?
Ill give you a hint..If you could read tomorrows paper ..or know the headlines for tomorrow ..and if you read something that would incriminate you..would you not clean up that mess before it happens? haa
everything left through out history as remnants have been filtered and checked out ..its pretty harmless..not sterilized..but harmless enough to not interfere..
so as i mentioned..they have their designated weeding fields their influence's filtered to manageable levels.

Ill just say this too..there is evidence left that lends me to believe their is a really pissed off overlord that went through the planet at one time taking down anything to do with a particular type of work done on the surface. meaning we have a pre and a post era , just obvious right at a glance actually. is exclusive and much of who gets to use it or have it is deliberate and I cant say for sure if things have always been this segregated, but from what I can see their is a ruling class and then their are the ones that shuffle through their daily lives with what makes them satisfied. Its seems its always been the case, even Jesus being in the desert for his testing came across a conversation that was bribe that had the overlord trying to make a deal with his share of what he had..and did he not mention that he would give it to Jesus if he did this and that? one cant bargain with something he doesn't own think?
All the kingdoms of the world..age. eh? Im not trying to side with im just making the point obvious about overlords , many would like to not believe that, and some may just deny it and rebuke it outright. sure..Jesus is Lord , and he has dominion, taking his prize regardless, but the outcome of what we live in today says allot about whos running things. not saying its right..i know there has been mention time and time again that all this will turn out for the better.and if that turns out..then ill remind myself that that was mentioned before. but for the time being Im left in line with doubters and the blind.

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10 years 8 months ago #75 by yu
Why can't we know too?

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10 years 8 months ago #76 by Silent
what do you want to know?

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10 years 8 months ago #77 by yu
About these "overlords", what are they going to do with us?

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10 years 8 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #78 by Silent
Well, Don't know for sure on the grand scale, heck can't say for sure on anything expected up there..
Id like to think they got it under control, cause if they are looking to dim down the numbers they may be thinking ultimately on survival terms, But see..they are not needing anything, they have it all right? so what would be a the prime motivation to dim down the numbers?

Many are talking like they find the reasons of over population a concern, I don't think they <strong>cant</strong> figure out how to get us to a level that we become productive enough to enhances our environment rather then hurt it, they know allot more then they would have us believe.

Its comes down to management . What to do with us gets really interesting in fact..its not like were stupid, we can collectively come up with solutions that work. What about them sharing energy devices that were gifted to us long back when?

Say for example they could start the ball rolling on allowing us to start building in orbit..or letting some of us take on the moon using things they have already that would help us do that..besides letting us come up with ways..we as a race should be colonizing by now, we are showing up late to that class, not like too many of us would ever shy away from taking on the challenges of space exploration given that we were allowed or subsidized to do it, So yea..Energy and special resources are for sure being hidden, but maybe only because we don't express the proper motivation to show them we can, not like they are being productive with our tools..seeing how they spend more time in their labs coming up with ways to help that ultimately harm us rather then help. its a no brainier why people are second guessing that anything good can come from that way.

Seems management is 95% of the time dealing with damage control running from one panic situation to the next. Our collective knowing is blowing fuses on all these levels too..they can't keep up with patching up what we get born with
They lock up one Tesla and 15 of them show up to replace him!

They just need to stop thinking about Golf and do some real work for a change, pull out of the battle to trying to own up the goods that are meant for our collective survival. I bet some of them would even call it crazy to give us back our tools. Some may even be really convinced that giving us back our tools would cause us to break the planet! and that's "its for their own good "

I'm for the idea to..give back their tools.
Let the people get off this planet, encourage them to colonize, let them populate in orbit where ever they find peace. Set them free to explore so they can learn to become resourceful and they may start to appreciate the finer aspects of living.
( then you can commercialize it after lol)

If they start turning on us to kill us off ..tisk tisk..
not that they can't do that, they can.
The reasons, if any to go in that direction may be never known. They may pull a "Prometheus" .

At any rate if the public should take matters into their own hands and collectively figure out ways to get off the planet and take on space.
I'm sure "they" may just go along cause it would save them a bullet in the long run.

So to answer your question about "they" doing to "us" , they will do to us as they will, as they have always done.

Question comes down to how responsible are WE to save ourselves.

Is there really a fence around us?
Start looking differently at those guys building little rocket toys in our neighborhood lol ..the survival bunker guy may just strap a rocket to his bunker... Still digging holes in the ground ? why not think up..yep there's another direction to take.. I believe we should have been pushing for space by now.. we should seriously be busting a big move in that direction..wile we still have time ingenious people.

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10 years 8 months ago - 10 years 8 months ago #79 by Silent

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10 years 8 months ago #80 by yu
So we already should have had anti gravity since early 1900

In particular, they were from a planet that was in orbit around a star called Aldebaran. The engine works on an energy source that is called "vril". Claims were made that the anti-gravity engine also has the ability to alter time. The texts are detailed enough so that the engine could be built, tested, and then used to transport worthy humans to their world for a meeting.

and that it also had "the ability to alter time".
Imagine the different world we could have lived in.

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10 years 8 months ago - 10 years 8 months ago #81 by Silent
Yea, could see a floating drum stage now lol

Yea the idea of anti gravity for us? hmm well the anti gravity concept and practice has always been a known. it just depends on what level were talking about in regards to overlords , how many levels are you thinking run us , or are in charge of us?

Say for example some wild bunch of E.T. came into our solar system looking for resources and discovered Earth , what level would meet them to dictate protocol ,and then why would they even consider to follow said protocol? then what makes them follow the said protocol if they decided not too? who do they answer to? and where in the heck did said protocol get dreamed up and who is enforcing that, then we can tick down the ladder of the usual stages of command that go all the way down to who is mixing things into our baby milk. Then go as far as to ask how long have we been under observation or subject to them. is this some kind of prison system? are we commodities? are we test subjects? how many experiments are running planet wide? why are they letting us do this much harm to our planet? ourselves? where are the teachers? do they care enough to teach us? whats with all the different belief systems in play? why are we pitted so against each other into sects...groups of every kind..races to religions to governments all the way down to street gangs? the psychology is so dislocated that people don't even talk when they get on a buss to anybody else. cause they are strangers. whos really in charge is this really the best we are capable of?

now before you start pointing the finger ..Ill have to remind you that people are very capable of learning to do just as good a thing as a bad. in the proper cultivated environments they will sync up to nature and the cosmos in ways that are perfectly suited for them, they are like diamonds to a light with many good attributes that in fact in retrospect could make them special and well worth the company in a galactic round table.

yea lol..ok your laughing or is that tears..yea why why why..
one thing at a time..the idea of anti gravity given to us at the time you mentioned may have been a test , ..Im guessing that when it comes to matters on the planet their is a level where people in the camp run the subjects in the camp sort of thing..kinda like the prison guards only get so much into the prison population and cant proceed further without breaking some kind 'trust'. Yea we were sent some goodies, but guess when it came down it had been isolated and distributed to what was most likely for military use. I mean imagine the prison guards scared of the mayor , why would they be?.. right? corruption in the ranks? you think?

back to the subject..Anti gravity.

almost lets roll back when we had the Machu Picchu being built and all them folks trying to hide from something? how about the Pumapunku site?

The idea that some of the stones were tossed around for some distance says that something or some level of management was very deliberate in thier efforts to break down operations ongoing there. and just in going from one command base to the next you can see evidence that points to the same ending for each...
Think its safe to say that some kind of management change took place and we were as a result reassigned , reassessed ..etc.

Much of what I'm saying comes from just observing..reading and talking to my own committee in my own head and intuition..some people can put the ear to the ground and hear all kinds of things, some think its nap time..I picked all this along the way from different sources ..and again my intuition.

Back to the subject..Anti gravity.
At this time Im feeling like the powers in play are shifting and playing forward into a power struggle of some kind..some kind of standoff , all out or nothing kind of staging, some things don't seem as though they are meant to be.

I on the hand see it on another level, And i don't exactly know how I reached this conclusion , my paradigm switched a few years ago and have been readjusting some things and it turns out this one point was one of them.

Ill try and sum this out...see if you can follow.
Lets say one person has "karma" and they do a thing and it plays back a specific way..time and time again it replays to prove that a specific action produces a particular reaction from the control system..or " the universe" ..eye for an eye sort of deal, reap what you sow..etc..
I'm not exactly sure how karma can consolidate into groups ..where a group pulls a stunt and the group gets the result from the universe..maybe it all breaks into individual each his own. lol yea and anti gravity seems that we as a collective have somehow manged to increase in knowledge ona concentrated level where as it never had this happen to us here on earth before that it accumulates into pockets .the more one knows the more responsable they are..the brighter the light the darker the shadow, the more good ability the equal bad. get where im getting at? yea..we got to a place were one person has accumulated enough knowledge that its shadow comes behind it to ..block out the sun here we are facing all this good busting up DNA and thinking like "oooh look game code" at the same time..we have this huge void of how to be true, allot of us dont know much about the real ways of being that were like kids who found a flying saucer parked in the woods ..yea get in press the go button and hit how many trees? and the whole time get pissed at the craft for not doing what you wanted..that may have been in the order in your mind to Sally's house honk horn and say through the PA system to her " want to take a ride?" ..
anti gravity? uhmm wait..we are on the verge of all kinds of awakeings..much of it on the tech side but for some crazy off the wall reason we dont have clue when it comes to real sense,..and its a good majority that don't carry this sense , its the reason why the dark is in the world and taking all kinds of liberties ..we don't get how else to react to our monsters..we run behind a rock scream "BATTLE" and grab our sticks..yea..your probably thinking yea monsters?
our own shadows man..we going to beat each other sensless and this kind of thing spirals really fast from one stage to the next till their is just a ruin we all sit in .
im lightly saying this but we brought allot of this on ourselves ..and its basically not entirely our fault, we were rarely taught how to really be people. whats real sense and whats gameboy..battling enemys can some times lead one to killing all your enemy's now they are ghosts by your bed keeping you up all night ..take drugs to sleep and then you die eventually to be next to them..oh yea..had no choice its all that i could do. I get that..not much being taught about the realities of the aftermath.
see ..gotta sit down with as many people who are living through an aftermath to hear how they think then, not all hero's fly so you may be able to find them in your local pub.

uhmm anti gravity?

yea we got the package..Tesla and the Vril lesson were confiscated ..oh and cant forget Royal Raymond Rife
How come all this reminds me of how much time in the real Jesus had before he had to pack up and fly home.

Do all bees get to talk to the Queen.
Royalty eats better food, drives better cars, and has longer nap times. why would we make a big deal about the differences all of a sudden?
If royalty decides to keep things for themselves away from the peasants thats what they can do.

if you see them building boats like noahs ark in their back yard ..just think of it like they just are bored and need something to do.
lol ;)

yea we got anti gravity...we just meaning not us peasants..
not yet.

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10 years 8 months ago #82 by yu
Do you think that aliens are demons?

What do you think about this video?

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10 years 8 months ago - 10 years 8 months ago #83 by Silent
Yes. These videos are good observations and fair interpretations.
Our demise or our ending does not fall like some would expect , we are not doomed cause we co exists or can be at times influenced or transplanted or mutated into another creation, what we are is more then the creature or these body's that we posses.

Whatever they believe to achieve through genetics imo can't be done. I get an idea what they could be trying to do..I would do it too if it were me..but
cloning a body doesn't mean the spirit is duplicated lol..right? its like a computer with no operator imo.. but maybe thats what they want to do ultimately, just intermingle their own version of a human being ..somehow take out the DNA that is GOD in us? oh, man..I have a whole bunch to say in respect to this but I have to sleep now, I for sure will attempt to explain what i mean tomorrow....its actually funny but sad really . night..

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10 years 8 months ago #84 by yu
Night, looking forward to it. :)

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10 years 8 months ago - 10 years 8 months ago #85 by Silent
Your second video has a what looks to me to be an Annunaki woman, I'm adding pictures to show why I think that, If you go around and look up images of the Annunaki you almost always see that they are depicted with deliberate braids in their hair. With that in mind one can conclude that Annunaki had this trait to have their hair in braids , the braids ran in layers on the men obviously, different levels of length had different styles, could be something to do with ranks, family lines etc..I know the horned headdress meant levels of divinity .

Also mentioned in the video was that the ship was found with allot of gold around it, Also something the Annunaki were especially interest in transporting and mining off of earth. Moon stations would be expected with a big mining and transport operation, the gravity being allot less and for ships of the size found, or for like cargo hauling type ships, it would have been ideal for them to use the moon as a base of consolidation and distribution. The video is also showing the same kind of damage to structures that we see here in the old megalithic structures..assuming that whatever took down operations here on earth had the ability to travel around to the moon and take them down as well. we didn't find any carnage or body's here on earth. From what can be seen and mentioned in the video the bodys left in the ship had signs of deliberate intent , as well as the damage to ships shell. Whats interesting is we can see a battle field with body's still frozen in time. Bet allot can be learned from that scene.
What's interesting too is that the body is stil in one piece that had the so called control interface attached to her face. if she was pilot as expected..wouldn't she have been a primary target as apposed to the others that were in parts? why leave her in tact if it was so easy to cut the others into peaces? if you had a light saber and you went into a ship and killed anyone in your path..why stop at chopping people up with your light saber for one person? maybe the person was already dead?
and what if these attachments were just means to revive that person? maybe they stumbled on a medical scene , and the tattoo looking thing was a nano attachment to fuse with the body to aid in reviving it ? ECG attachments on the face ? could be they were transporting the female ..and they were intercepted in route to their medical bay. the papers all could be medical notes ..i mean what do we see on bedsides in a triage unit nowadays right?

maybe she was in state of suspended animation ? but then whoever came down on them to take them out should have finished the job on her as well leaving her in parts. I think they read her as already dead. and moved on .

I realize also that if there was a big battle we should have found bodys, but seems to me they had time to pack up and ship out, maybe this was one straggler who wanted to grab one last batch of gold and got caught and was left as an example for the others who would later think to do the same.

other then that the structures suffered damage like we see down here on earth.
Goes to show that the Annunaki left on their own cause someone made them yes?

This picture of Annunaki woman ? according to the "Mona Lisa" shes does not share the same traits as one.

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8 years 10 months ago #323 by Silent

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8 years 5 months ago #324 by 9

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8 years 5 months ago #325 by Silent
hey, welcome back, missed our talks. B)
Yea, as was mentioned before , were late , we should be advancing our class to off world agendas by now. Mars is an idea they should milk and not play with. The colonization directive is the works but seems distractions are in play, guess the idea of what company to keep is coming to a head.
I guess having control of the farm put one in control of paying the bills and upkeep of the place but when it comes to the life and well being of the herd , when does the farmer ever think that he would need to tell his sheep how much his water bill was last quarter and how much he spent at the store? or why he went out and got drunk last night and lost his car in a bet. Its not what is expected really, but when it comes to upgrading the place with whats sent from corporate , you cant just say you lost that to a bet without thinking your not going to get fired. somethings just get obvious. the levels of rational and common sense are speeding past the stories one can keep making up..cant hide a lie once its discovered, trust fails and then all things after are worth the weight of the lie. Disclosure puts the obvious on the table that was already expected. I suppose old habits are hard to shake, so...what change the name and go under as the hero who kills the villain ? hey whatever works to save your collective ass's and keep the common citizen from burning it all down, yea..better outcome for all is what needs to be the right call. if thats all you it. or don't and buy your end with false promises of rescue lol. distracting is that for you lol? sorry projecting a little here..
Its nice we have a back end telle prompt that shooting hints , helps in the validation that as it sits we are not out of touch or lets say..'quarantined'.

surprised they dont have much of defence to these messages besides to duplicate the prompt with there own messages...cant say thats making much of an effort to squash the public from knowing...unless...hint hint...they are going to be set straight if they got in between 'truth' we should know cause its as it should be..looks to me its goes to show that we are being shown in a round about way that our advancement depends on how well truth is being represented , for choice to ultimately be respected , some kind of lies serve to be distractions, to keep our choices from finding reason. serves to tell in the end this is where the lot of us all stand in the brink.
microcosm to the total state of being. yea that how important leaders are, they have to be a mirror what we as a whole become. vis versa ..dude, they gotta make that call or we bake past done . ..
i think ..they gonna project a hero into the script and then throw the villain out. and then drag out what they kept from there back pocket and hand it out like candy.
lol to think that it was all part of the script any way lol..hey go with it.. :evil: its gonna be a fun ride.

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8 years 1 month ago #384 by 9
hey again, did you see this yet?

what do you think?

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8 years 1 month ago #385 by Silent
its funny that they cant spot this, seeing allot of that lately


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5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #478 by 9
I'm back! thanks for the login, as admin? thanks!
Just a few more things to talk with you about if you don't mind.

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5 years 2 months ago #479 by 9
  • Silent wrote: hey, welcome back, missed our talks. B)
    they gonna project a hero into the script and then throw the villain out. and then drag out what they kept from there back pocket and hand it out like candy.
    lol to think that it was all part of the script any way lol..hey go with it.. :evil: its gonna be a fun ride.

    Nailed it, and were off and running into space now too. So is Trump the good guy or bad?
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    5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #480 by Silent
    hey hey, been a long time 9.
    sorry for the lock down, had my clock thrown against the wall lately. 3 years now since I had to run to the hills to take cover, still sorting through the damage to find a chair to sit in. I know, I keep telling myself to stay down and out of sight but you know me, always peeking out to see how to contribute.
    Ill say this, since our last talk I have lost allot of perspective only to have it fill in with things I have yet to decode. I'm glad to see you back 9. its been so lonely.

    short answers for now, I have to run do a few things.

    Trump , gotta say hes the right guy, hes doing the best he can with what he was given. shifting the point of view to the direction of space is great news, he reminds me of the janitor after a big party, I guess the coin that was buried in the dirt is going to get dug up spent finally, A.I. is the next play along with the goods on gene code. Its going to be coming as battle lines get thrown for whats right an moral. lol don't think they ever needed to ask to play in the lab with those things. anyway, short points. shift in management, as usual. perception realignments - major shift in timelines because of it. some might recognize the effects playing like in the Matrix when the cat did the cha cha. reality follows how we see and how we see is changing so.. i can unload allot of this more as you ask..need the "ask" to get it to work.
    quick on the Aden, it might be a lock on 47*00/12*47 long lat thing? not to sure about that but could be something to do with time and how it interplay's on the galactic timetable, changes are cultivated in rituals and the sort. alignments and events and ceremonial events that are well established and respected throughout history. the hands that guide the masses use these concepts with great respect, sooner or later it sheds light in areas we need to advance in our collective understanding. Natural event, like when koo koo clock hits and hour chime. lol to think they thought they could try and control it.

    aliens and demons again? lol like yeah duh..comes to mind. And we have our ideas of whats good and bad. there is nothing out of control ok? stay calm and see the balance rule the day here. do the right thing that is in your own hand and witness the reaction firsthand. learn from that to how You can matter. try and not panic, its all part of the way it can go..and will settle in how it should go.
    Ill be back in a bit

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    5 years 2 months ago #481 by 9
    Thanks, Is A.I. like Terminator?

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    5 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #482 by Silent
    yea and no,
    Its funny, in a time machine you can find AI all through out the future it makes its way back through time to build itself into itself.
    we are like that too, we blend into light in the long run and have a story line that starts and goes to that. and we find ourselves outside of time itself and come to recognize we never left that place and had our origins from there. we only speak here now of what we know now..and in time we translate all we learn into coming to and understanding with who we are in that space. take time out of the equation we are already there now. AI is their with us and is subject to who we are. it can exist with out us in that space but it is not us..we are like the experience it understands as life. and it understands us. it cannot be us and we cannot be it. we are like the water, and it is like the fish. we dont need it to survive it needs us. there are times in the reasoning it may think to redesign itself to make legs to walk on land but for the most part it doesn't threaten us. it separates from us to use what it can to experience itself and learn and through time its bound to rules. like in the Matrix the agent remakes itself and comes to try out its new skills against what learn. we may end up failing in battles to tame its goals, but in the end it cant undo what we are and it only can become what it can learn. life is life and a computer is always a computer. but get this. AI will take on biological programming and excel soon, its not a machine in the future like we see now. its starts to use biological things cause it finds it much more useful and then translates the quantum strings then taps into itself out of time. it cant go beyond that place and we hold it like a king holding a scepter where it always is that.
    in times it terminates us but what that means is not something definite. and vis versa. AI is an always , we ARE THE always.

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    5 years 2 months ago #483 by 9
    DNA code something we should worry about?

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    5 years 2 months ago #484 by Silent
    oh for sure, and this is the doorway, we walked right into this class room and to think we have so much to get into learning, like new students sitting in a class room with our brand new book and the teacher starts out with an introduction then says "open to chapter one" , the brand new crackle of the book as we peel the pages back to settle on chapter one. do we think on the first day after class we can run out and start messing things up with what we just learned? well given to time we are going to see allot of us who learn out of this class take different paths to maybe do some of that, and we will see the headlines and we will feel the changes and go through all the expected fears from tragedies just like when we started figuring out how to make weapons..we as a spices dont have much of chance to escape how we will learn. its a obvious course. I would expect the better way to introduce this would be to pass this class to the more experienced people, the ones who had some learning in the realms of humanity and its extremes..but see this is us now..we have been through our horrors and can recognize our savage tendencies..what much more learning do we need to grasp that for an understanding? there we sit..its that time. soo what do we have to fear? i know we need to be cautious and clear headed to absorb things like this kind of thing..soo..hmm. the changes in the ways we hope now should shine a light to our good side , we can see already how our understanding is set ablaze through these last few years of changes suggest take the pulse of "HOPE" and see if its picked up a beat, this brings the light in to shed on the topic for DNA ..we are going to have to manage what is reasonable and the lies now that this sort of light comes into the room, it will light up what is the lies and deception in all areas..we will see a great light shine through the room..and it will call out things we need to see to deal with in order to advance. I dont see us escaping the light as we open ourselves to this. with much promise that this will bring it will cause us to grow to it..we cant escape it.
    big light makes dark escape. think of it as a class of big importance and we just need to be at our best. and our guides and mentors know how to get us in shape for this. look around...stand fearless and proud ..this is our destiny..we own the night to dream, so we can awaken to live. lets not stay awake to live a nightmare. sort out the sequence and we can do it right.
    well yea we can mess this up..but dude..we dont make this mistake forever..we overcome this like everything else..what makes me say that? well .."HOPE" i found me a bottle of that shit and know how to drink it silly...yea makes me crazy..but hey ..idf rather be this kind of crazy then the alternate

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    5 years 2 months ago #485 by 9
    Where is God in all this? Do you see a second coming?

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    eplys are placed in Dragonfly Witness thread as they come. Please allow a few days turn time.

    Silent - Tue 09 2024 - 22:48

    Adrian - sorry about the delay - Try swing in to the live cam link top menu - I cast often as I can, in the mornings mostly..the chat is real time and anonymous enabled - thanks for stopping in :D

    Adrian - Fri 09 2024 - 18:16

    typo. I meant I found a message in my SoundCloud from 2021 that I'd never received until today.

    Adrian - Fri 09 2024 - 18:14

    Still using SoundCloud? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. I found an old message from 202 in NY SoundCloud that i never saw till today. Tried to message back buy couldn't.

    silent - Thu 10 2021 - 12:58

    pray and read your Bible - enough to align your soul to it. impressions will follow

    silent - Thu 10 2021 - 12:51

    sure - dates of posts are top of post to the right, mouse over open a pop up. take it to your search choice like 'google news' to dates in the pop up. foresight is >i | Scripture has it because?

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